Friday, October 17, 2014

A new start

Assalamualaikum wbt

Rasa macam pelik sangat nak update blog since dah lama tak active. haha. This is my 3rd blog actually. I think dah hampir setahun aku tinggalkan dunia blogging ni. Entah kenapa tetiba rasa macam rindu nak blogging balik. Nak edit blog kasi lawa lawa pun dah lupa macam mana. Hmm kena survey tutorials from other blogs. In other word, dah macam newbie gituu, bukak blog semua jadi blur "eh nak buat apa ni?" "ni kenapa jadi macam ni pulak?" "codes amende pulak ni?" haa aku macam ni laa masa mula mula buat blog dulu. Dah berapa tahun agaknya usia blog aku ni. Hehe

Tapi satu je problem aku, bila dah syok taip itu ini then bila dah ending tak tahu nak tulis apa. haha pastu main tekan je "kbye" tanpa sebab. maybe sebab tu kot takde orang baca blog aku ni. k whatever. I don't know how long this blog would last, sebab selalu busy dengan assignments kan. tapi tak boleh jugak kalau asyik mengadap laptop buat assignments. Kena laa ada entertainments sikit kan so i assume this is one of it. klol. Eventho takde orang pun baca blog aku ni, i think im good. Well its not my ultimate purpose of making this blog yeah. I just feel like sharing something online instead of writing it in books or diaries. Err you can say that im quite lazy to write. hahaha.

Everything seems to be different now. Pemikiran pun makin matang (yelaa kot) and kadang kadang aku pun malas nak buat benda yang tak berfaedah ni. haha. yela dah umur 19 tahun kot. next year im gonna be in my twenties so this is my last teen year. I don't know if this is a good thing or not sebab 20 tahun tu agak tua bunyinya, pressure okay. hahaha. For sure, next year gonna be very hectic. Everything would just feel so different than the years before. I mean people's perception akan lain. Bila dengar umur dah 20 tahun, they'll ask you so many questions. Bout your future. Bout your life. Your plans. Come on people, umur baru je mencecah 20 tahun, bukannya 30 tahun. Its quite a gap actually. Paling critical to think of all this things is when you're 25 and above. Well in my perspective la kan.

Tapi takpe i need to set up a new positive minds that's it. Cehh sekarang semua dah pandai take everything in a positive way. Kang nanti orang salah faham pulak kita asyik berfikiran buruk dengan orang. Why don't we take it seriously but in a good perspective. Hoho. Dah panjang sangat dah kot post aku malam ni. I need to watch movies before doing my next assignments. Assalamualaikum and good night.

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